New Beginnings was founded on the idea that quality treatment should be accessible to all who seek it. We have some of the most competitive prices in the region for both individual and group therapy. Our values have held strong for decades, affordable treatment saves lives; it’s that simple.
The second value on the list goes part and parcel with the first, quality treatment at an affordable price. The old saying “you get what you pay for” is not accurate when it comes to the quality treatment our clients receive. The certified counselors at New Beginnings work here because they care. From counselors to support staff, people come to work for us because they identify with the value that quality treatment shouldn’t be limited to only those with top-notch insurance and/or vast financial resources.
Our third value on the list is a client-centered approach. In larger facilities it’s very easy for clients to be nothing more than a number (or worse, a dollar sign). Our clients are the reason we are all here. We genuinely strive to make a difference in their lives. One of the ways we do this is by collaborating with clients while creating their treatment plans, this helps determine their primary and secondary goals. Think of the treatment plan as a roadmap to recovery that paves the road to those goals and creates detours around possible trouble spots where relapses are possible.
The road to recovery should never be walked alone. Many of us ended up at recovery’s doorstep utterly alone and isolated. We needed help. And that brings us to our final core value. We strive to help our clients feel like they’re not walking the road alone, that someone is walking with them carrying a map that leads to the way out. We encourage our clients participate in a twelve-step program and get a sponsor. They can help with teaching the client how to stay sober on a day-to-day basis. We can help get to the root of what caused the client to want to escape via drugs and/or alcohol in the first place. Together, with that collaborative approach, we help our clients change their lives. We can help you too.