Suboxone treatment & Counseling
Are you ready to begin your road to recovery?We’ve Partnered with Medasic
We are pleased to announce our partnership with Medasic in our Monroe location. If you are a Union County, NC resident please reach out for scholarship eligibility!
Who We Are: Medasic Recovery Clinic is a medication assisted treatment center (MAT) that provides treatment for Opioid Use Disorder and Alcohol Use Disorder. We have two addiction board certified physicians as well as APPs providing comprehensive addiction treatment.
Why We’ve Partnered With Medasic: At New Beginnings we stress the importance of parnetering with a company with similar beliefs. Medasic offers a holistic and comprehensive approach to treatment plans. When seeking help through us, you’ll be joining a community of addiction specialists, mental health experts, and counselors. Together, we will build a network to help you recover from your addiction.

Our Suboxone Treatment Program
We provide personalized, out-patient, Suboxone programs for patients going through substance and opioid withdrawal. We understand opiate addiction is a different type of addiction and requires a different type of treatment. Our certified counselors are equipped to deliver personal Suboxone treatment plans to help patients identify what individual recovery looks like and more importantly, how to get there.

What Is Suboxone?
Suboxone is the brand name for a prescription medication created to treat opioid addiction. In 2002 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted approval of the use of the prescription Suboxone to treat opioid addiction. Suboxone is an oral prescription drug and contains two active drugs, Buprenorphine and Naloxone. These compounds reduce the effects of opioid withdrawal and ease the cravings experienced due to opioid addiction. Suboxone treatment can help patients stop using heroin, fentanyl, and other opioids.

Medicated Assisted Treatment (MAT)
Medication-Assisted Treatment, also known as MAT, is an evidence-based approach to treating patients who are struggling with active opioid addiction. MAT is the use of Suboxone medication paired with a combination of counseling and behavioral therapies.
This two-step approach is effective in the treatment of substance use disorders and can help some people to sustain recovery. Unlike other techniques such as abstinence-based, MAT utilizes Suboxone to assist individuals in their recovery.
Our MAT program allows patients to receive both medication and behavioral therapy. Suboxone alone is not meant to be a cure for opioid addiction and is rarely sufficient treatment for drug addiction. People who are undergoing opioid addiction treatment will need drug abuse counseling- individual or group- and participation in self-help groups. At New Beginnings we take the science-backed approach to treating opioid addiction. Studies have shown using this two-step approach is a necessary component for comprehensive addiction care.
How Treatment Works
Suboxone is a highly addictive prescription medicine that is most often used to treat addictions to opioids or narcotic pain relievers. Suboxone is one part of our complete treatment program that also includes counseling and behavioral health services.
Suboxone treatment is becoming the preferred method for treating opioid addiction because of its pharmacological and safety profile. As a partial “opioid agonist,” it does not produce a “high,” has a low risk of causing physical dependence, a lower potential for misuse, and has a ceiling effect that prevents overdose.
This is why many doctors prescribe the drug to treat opioid addiction as it is used to mitigate withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal and detoxification from a drug like Suboxone can be quite challenging. However, New Beginnings Treatment Center is able to assist people in eliminating the drug’s dosage while also addressing their opioid addiction in a safe manner.
Once patients have been inducted into New Beginnings Treatment program and successfully complied with their treatment plan, they may be prescribed a one-month supply of suboxone.
Our outpatient rehabilitation allows clients to live at home and participate in a Suboxone outpatient program. This type of program provides people with more freedom during their treatment and gives clients the ability to maintain a job and resume day-to-day responsibilities at home and with family or friends.
Phases of Treatment
- Intake includes a medical and psychosocial evaluation, a urine drug screen, and blood tests to ensure that you can take the drug without harm
- Induction to transition you from the opiates you are currently on to Suboxone with the aim of minimizing “cold turkey” withdrawal symptoms
- Stabilization where Suboxone is adjusted to the lowest dose to suppress withdrawal symptoms to allow for eventual tapering off and discontinuation of treatment
- Maintenance for those with severe addiction who may need on-going medically supervised treatment and support (including attendance at a Narcotics Anonymous or non-step support group)
Three Steps To A New Beginning:
1. Set up an appointment with our Doctor to receive Suboxone
2. Follow through with counseling recommendations
3. Maintain your recovery to a better life
Contact Us
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Visit Us
1508 Cleveland Ave. Charlotte, NC 28203
1630-C Campus Park Dr. Monroe NC 28112
825 E. 2nd Ave. Gastonia, NC 28054
Contact us
Charlotte: 704-334-6574
Monroe: 704-821-4291
Gastonia: 704-854-9102
Open Hours
M-F: 9am - 7pm
Sat: 9am - 12pm
Sun: Closed